We're india's first startup-centric communications company, Though we also make ads and tv commercials for bigger enterprises
You can watch some of our favorite films below!
What Is Lowfundwala?
Lowfundwala was an accident, the good kind.
In 2013, Kashyap Swaroop made what became the very first Lowfundwala video for a small up-start by a college senior of his while pursuing a degree in Engineering at NMIMS University.
The video, and in turn, the startup, got noticed and soon-after, got acquired by another sizeable startup.
A year and a steady flow of videos later, Lowfundwala got incorporated as Tilt Shift Media LLP.
So, what do we do exactly? The idea's simple - we share stories with your audiences. Stories that make them love you, stories that make them think, "Damn, I can relate to this! Maybe I should give them a try!", and we do it all through Video!
While our films won't cost you an arm and a leg, we aren't exactly a "budget" studio. If a gold ring comes cheap, it's probably not 24 karat gold, is it now?
Like the way we think? Maybe you'd like to see how we make things happen here.